

The Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) consists of a Force Headquarters and five separate units - three land units, an air wing and a maritime squadron. The AFM also has a Volunteer Reserve Force.


Command, Control & Administration
The ‘Malta Armed Forces Act’ was passed through Parliament in 1970. It enables the Head of State to raise, maintain and regulate an armed force. This act also empowers the President of Malta​ as Head of State, to delegate the command and authority vested in him/her to the democratically-elected Government, exercisable by the Minister for Home Affairs, National Security and Law Enforcement, and answerable to Parliament.
The Minister for Home Affairs, Security and Reforms and Equality (MHSE) retains Defence Matters within his portfolio.
A Defence Matters Directorate​ provides civilian oversight of the Armed Forces of Malta.
Military command of the Armed Forces of Malta is exercised by the Commander, who is of Brigadier rank.
The Commander is supported by the Force Headquarters that is responsible for the command, control and management of the Force.  The Force Headquarters lays out policies and directs the day to day running of the AFM in order to achieve the defence and security objectives set by Government in an efficient and cost effective manner.
 Contact Name 
Headquarters AFM
Luqa Barracks
Luqa VLT2000

(+356) 2249 4016 