Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information

Information relating to the Freedom of Information Act (Cap. 496), Article 17(1)
The Freedom of Information Act (Cap. 496) gives the general public the right to request documents or information from Public Authorities. The Act also lists exemptions from this right as well as placing a number of obligations on Public Authorities. In fulfilling its statutory obligations, the Armed Forces of Malta (the Authority) is providing the following information which can be used as guidance to better inform the general public about its work and functions.
Mission, Functions and Structure
The Armed Forces of Malta is a Joint Service Force of small Brigade size.  A description of the Armed Forces of Malta's mission, functions and organisation structure are on the links shown below:
     Key Functions
General description of main categories of documents held 
The Armed Forces of Malta holds documents (including exempt documents) falling under the following main categories:
     NATO-restricted Documents
     EU Restricted Documents
     Policy documents, reports and related working documents on themes that fall within the functions of the AFM
     Documents related to court cases and other litigation involving the AFM/ AFM personnel.
     Reports, Inter Office Memoranda and other documents drawn up and intended for AFM internal use.
     Correspondence entered into between outside entities and the AFM (and vice versa) in relation to security matters.
     Personal files of all AFM personnel (Serving and retired).
     Traffic accidents
     Contracts, agreements, invoices, financial documents and other similar documentation pertaining or related to the AFM's day to day administrative and management.
     Disciplinary proceedings.
     Letters & minutes of meetings.
     Ombudsman recommendations.
     Protocols with Government and NGOs.
     Finance Contracts/ tenders.
     AFM equipment manuals and operational instructions.
     Extra duty payments.
     Board Proceedings.

The Board Proceedings are submitted by:

     Trade Testing Boards
     Boards of Inquiry prescribed by Commander AFM or Commanding Officer
     Boards of Survey
     Selection Board
     Audit Boards Canteens and Messes.
     Audit Boards Quartermaster.
     Evaluation/adjudication Committees (tenders).
     Policy evaluation Boards.
Specific orders instructions or directives related to operations or tasks at hand:
     Operation Orders
     General Orders
     Internal Part 1 Orders
     Memorandum of Understanding.
     Contract of/for Service.
     Forms of Undertaking.
Description of all manuals and similar types of documents which contain policies, principles, rules or guidelines in accordance with which decisions or recommendations are made in respect of members of the public (including bodies corporate and employees of the public authority in their personal capacity).
Manuals and standard documents:
The Armed Forces of Malta Soldier's Career Handbook.
Officers' Career Handbook
Army Forms and standard documents.
Defence Writing handbook.
Armed Forces Act 1970 and subsidiary legislation.
AFM and Regimental Standing Orders.
Standing Operational Procedures.
Trade Regulations
Note: Some of the information listed above is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (cap.496).  Documents that pertain to national security cannot be made public.
AFM's FOI officers may be contacted by e-mail [email protected] or by telephone 22494043.
FOI Requests may be submitted to the AFM by e-mail to [email protected], through the FOI portal via the e-ID or through the online form.
Internal Complaints Procedure:

Complaints may be submitted to the AFM by e-mail to [email protected], through the FOI portal via the e-ID or through the online form. The FOI officer will inform the complainant about the outcome of his/her complaint within 10 working days, informing about the possibility to lodge an appeal with the Information and Data Protection Commissioner (IDPC) in accordance with Articles 9 (Fees) and 23 of the Freedom of Information Act, Cap. 496 .    

Other information: 

Office Hours
Winter Time:-    1 October – 15 June
                          7.00a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Summer Time:- 16 June – 30 September
                          7.00 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.
Emails received during the weekend are replied on the next working day. 
Cash payments should be effected at the Finance Office Luqa Barracks Luqa during office hours and cheques made payable to the Commander AFM, Luqa Barracks Luqa.

AFM's Contact Details

Address:               HEADQUARTERS
                            ARMED FORCES OF MALTA
                            LUQA BARRACKS
Telephone No.:    22494043
e-Mail Address:    foi.afm@g​​

For further information kindly visit: 
 Contact Name 
Headquarters AFM
Luqa Barracks
Luqa VLT2000

(+356) 2249 4000 /
(+356) 2249 4016