Whilst tasked to advise the Commander AFM on matters relating to public information, the overall mission-tasking of HQ AFM's Administration and Personnel Branch's Public Affairs Office (P.A.O.) is to ensure that AFM media operations' activities are timely, accurate and an effective provision of public affairs, and the implementation of the AFM's public relations policy within the operational environment, while maintaining OPSEC (Operation Security)
Vision and Aim
The aim of AFM Public Affairs, through its Defence Media Operations, is to create and maintain a favourable public image of the Maltese military and continue to foster support and interest by the public in the AFM, its personnel and their operations. This is achieved by promoting widespread public understanding and support for military operations, while maintaining operational security (OPSEC) and countering the dissemination of hostile and potentially damaging information.
Products and Services
Provides a 24 hour, 365 days a year enquiry service for the media and advice to civil governing authorities, besides in house AFM requirements;
Provides official AFM comment on stories and corrects factually incorrect reporting (usually before publication):
Explains defence matters' related decisions and defence policies through briefings, interviews, Press Conferences and media facilities hosted at AFM establishments;
Advises civil governing authorities, the AFM and officials on external presentation strategies, tactics and timing;
Drafts and issues AFM Press Releases, statements and promotes defence stories;
Develops handling plans for official announcements;
Provides Press Officer support to civil governing authorities and military officials during interviews, meetings and visits;
Facilitates direct contact between civil servants and members of the AFM and the media.